As part of the Library Software Renewal Project, the Library Catalogs and Archival Collections have been migrated to new systems. The migration of Article Databases is still ongoing. For more detailed information, click here.
İçindekiler Sayfası hazırlanırken kitap içeriğinde mevcut olması kaydıyla şu kısımlar taranmaktadır:
• Dış kapak • İç kapak • Künye/jenerik (Basım yeri, tarihi vb.) • İçindekiler/Fihrist • Dizin (İçindekiler sayfası yoksa)
• Attention! Don’t use hyphens, apostrophes or other diacritics. • To see where the material is located in the library, please click on the “DETAIL” or “LOCATION” link on the “Search Results” page. • As the materials are shelved by their classification numbers, there might be one shelf difference at the end and beginning of the shelves. • You can use zotero via the “DETAIL” link in the search results.
Eser/Yazar Adı farkı
• Attention! Don’t use hyphens, apostrophes or other diacritics • To see where the material is located in the library, please click on the “DETAIL” or “LOCATION” link on the “Search Results” page • As the materials are shelved by their classification numbers, there might be one shelf difference at the end and beginning of the shelves • You can use zotero via the “DETAIL” link in the search results
Sadece eser adında arama yapmak için bu alanı kullanın.
Eser adı, ek eser adı, bütünleyici eser adı ve notlarda arama yapmak için bu alanı kullanın.
Sadece yazar adında arama yapmak için bu alanı kullanın.
Yazar adı, çeviren, tahkik eden vb. eserde emeği geçenlerin tümünde arama yapmak için bu alanı kullanın.
Sağdaki küçük arama alanından emeği geçen türünü (ed., trc., haz. vb.) arayabilirsiniz.
Custom vs. Simple/Detailed Search Differences
The SPECIAL SEARCH page is designed for our readers who want to perform a limited search in the “Title of the Work” or “Name of the Author” field.
When you write a name in the “Author Name” section on the SIMPLE SEARCH or DETAILED SEARCH pages, you can search for any book as author, editor, translator, compiler, etc. You will be scanning people with the same name who have contributed in different ways. However, when you type a name in the “Author Name” field on the SPECIAL SEARCH page, you will have the opportunity to see only the works in which this person’s name is mentioned as the author.
The searches you make in the “Work Name” field on the SPECIAL SEARCH page will only include the work names, and will not include other imprint and description information in the “Work Name” field.